SHEPHERD HOODWIN is a Laguna Niguel, California, channel who specializes in the fascinating Michael teachings about how we set up our lifetimes. He has been channeling Michael since 1986. He also does intuitive readings, mediumship, past-life regression, healing, counseling, and channeling coaching (teaching others to channel). He has conducted workshops on the Michael teachings throughout the United States.
He is the author of several books on the Michael teachings and spirituality. He also has a humor collection, Enlightenment for Nitwits.
In terms of the Michael teachings, Hoodwin is a 7th-level old sage with 16 previous grand cycles. He is in Cadre 3/Entity 2, with 5/4/3 casting, a sage essence twin, a goal of acceptance, observation mode sliding to passion, an attitude of idealist, a chief obstacle of impatience, and a secondary obstacle of arrogance. He is in the emotional part of the intellectual center. His body type is 53% lunar/36% martial/11% venusian. His male/female energy ratio is 47/53, and his frequency is 64.
Shepherd is a graduate of the University of Oregon in Music.
His site is
You can hear his songs here, and see his photo albums at his Facebook page.
His FAQ (Frequently Asked Question): How I Began Channeling Michael.
Shepherd Hoodwin
99 Pearl
Laguna Niguel CA
shepherdhoodwin (at) gmail (dot) com