André Hintermann has translated some of my work, including some chapters from Journey of Your Soul, into German. This PDF includes ordering instructions. Read More
We live in a universe of energy. Matter is energy vibrating at a speed we are designed to perceive with our five physical senses, but the vast majority of energy is invisible to the naked eye.
We each have a field of energy in and around us called the "aura." Learning to keep it clean and free from foreign intrusions can increase our health and well-being on all levels.
This book is a short (8000-word) introduction to how to perceive our energy field and release negativity. Topics include chakras, contracts, vows, cording, entities, implants, psychic attack, earthbound souls, soul retrieval, and more. Read More
Few realize how profound, multi-faceted, and far-reaching the concept of choice is in our spiritual growth. This short book explores topics such as what is and is not our right to choose, our power as creators and the limits of our reality creation, how consciousness expands, and much more. Read More
This book explores the nature of evil from the soul's point of view, and how we can skillfully deal with it as lightworkers. I hope it helps you find greater peace in dealing with life on this challenging planet. Read More
Whether you're dealing with a major health challenge or simply want to improve your diet and have more well-being, Holistic Health for Smarties offers a fun and conversational overview to help you get started with a healthier lifestyle or refine your healing path. It's chock-full of tips, both original and those that distill the best of holistic teachings. Shepherd presents a sensible, balanced approach to diet and healing that emphasizes what works best for you, avoiding dogma and simplistic thinking. Read More
Is unconditional love in politics an oxymoron? Thus far, it’s been a rare commodity if it has ever existed. This book explores what we can do about it, as well as why both right and left have useful parts to play in our evolution, the factors that influence a person’s tilt to the right or left, and what unconditional love might look like in this sphere. Read More
Being in love is one of the great highs of life, yet it is often elusive or ephemeral. Unrequited love is a common theme of songs, and almost everyone experiences it on both sides. Just why are we attracted to some people and not to others? Why We're Attracted: Spiritual, Psychological and Physical Elements That Draw Us to Others, explores a multitude of factors on three levels: spiritual, psychological, and physical. Being able to identify the elements of our attraction to someone can help us be clearer on what we have and what we don’t. In comparing them to our relationship priorities, we can determine whether there’s enough there for a long-term relationship. Read More
Being in the World explores how to be on a spiritual path while dealing with life's challenges. Topics include life task, karma, time, incarnation, aging, death, money, the environment, religion, and imagination. Read More
People everywhere are looking for a higher perspective on love than the popular view of romance. Loving from Your Soul: Creating Powerful Relationships, an inspiring and unusual book by Shepherd Hoodwin, goes to the core of the issue by exploring the nature of love itself. It is a collection of discourses and counseling Hoodwin channeled from the Michael entity that views love as an eternal reality not dependent on other people or situations — it is something we can learn to access all the time through connecting directly with our core self, or soul. Read More
Even at birth, everyone is unique. Can heredity alone account for the complex differences in people's temperaments and styles? The Michael teachings, an extraordinary body of channeled work, propose that we are each unique souls who deliberately take on a specific combination of traits to give us the experiences we seek. In Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores the Michael Teachings, Shepherd Hoodwin expertly discusses these teachings from his vantage point as a Michael channel. Read More
Filled with poetic language and vivid pastoral images, these Meditations for Self-Discovery: Guided Journeys for Communicating with Your Inner Self are perfect for communicating with your inner self. Meditation is becoming increasingly popular, with both groups and individuals. Corporations are finding that meditation increases productivity. School teachers are using meditation with children, and doctors are recommending it for their patients. Even the White House hired a teacher to teach its staff a variety of meditation techniques, and distributed a flyer encouraging "energy renewing quiet time." Read More
The spiritual path is a journey into joy. In joy, life flows freely in us and we flow freely in life. We do not learn to live in joy overnight; it is a lifelong process. Joy is not found merely by smiling and thinking positive thoughts, but by releasing our blocks and opening, a step at a time, to our soul. Read More
Opening to Healing is an exploration of energy and its impact on our lives. We are all on a path of healing, and the awareness it promotes can help each of us experience greater well-being in everyday life. However, it is especially relevant to those who are dealing with illness in themselves or others. Read More
The Michael teachings are an extraordinary body of channeled material that paint a vivid portrait of how we, as eternal souls, set up our lifetimes — why we’re here, what our lessons are, and how we can learn them more efficiently and joyfully. Happiness and the Michael Teachings: Learning to Embrace What Is explores how we can use the teachings to increase our happiness, which ultimately is the aim of every spiritual path. Read More
Happiness is too important to leave to chance or circumstance. Some people seem to come by happiness easily. Either they have a naturally sunny disposition, and/or their life has had relatively few bumps in the road. However, happiness is partly a skill, and we can all improve our happiness chops with practice, as well as by cultivating perspectives that foster it. Embracing What Is: Spiritual Keys to Happiness is an abridged version of Happiness and the Michael Teachings, without technical Michael teachings terminology. Read More
When I was diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), my holistic doctor prescribed a rigorous diet and regimen to heal my gut. There were many online resources, but trying to understand them and figure out what I was supposed to do made my brain hurt. The information out there is mostly not presented very clearly for the beginner. As I finally figured it out, I thought I could save others some trouble by presenting this distillation, Healing the Gut: A Crib Sheet for Eliminating SIBO. Read More
Enlightenment for Nitwits: The Complete Guide is the first metaphysical/self-help humor collection. It is full of hilarious one-liners and mind-bending pieces on a wide range of subjects, including "My Toilet Runneth Over," "A Lesson in Impatience," and "Potty Training Your Inner Child." This is a book you will keep handy to savor whenever you need an infusion of joy. Read More