[Chapter 18, Opening to Healing]
The following are affirmations that promote healing. There can be value in working with them whether or not you view yourself as physically healthy, because you are constantly creating health — it is not a destination at which you can arrive.
Even if you recognize these statements as ultimate truths, they may not presently be factual for you. By repeating them to yourself — aloud, silently, or in writing — you can make them so for yourself. If you do not feel them but would like to, express them as if you do feel them, as an actor might. Thought often precedes feeling, and the purpose of affirmations is to deliberately change your thoughts. The more conviction with which you express them, the better they will “take.” If you do not intellectually believe what you are affirming, see the affirmation as an experiment: “What would happen if I took this attitude?” You are trying it on for size, so to speak, seeing if it has a positive effect. If it does, you may choose to believe it, since an affirmation can only heal to the degree that it is true. Even if you are consciously skeptical, an appropriate affirmation will help if you do it properly.
Many of those listed here are similar, but each one has a different effect due to its precise wording. Some affirmations also have alternative wordings within them, which are in parentheses. You can try all of them that seem applicable, noting those to which you respond the most deeply (those that feel the best, or that trigger the greatest reaction in you). You can then do further work with those. Note any negative thoughts that arise; rather than repressing them, lovingly delve more deeply into them, letting yourself understand the reasons for them, until they no longer come up when you state those affirmations. You may wish to devise affirmations that directly address what is coming up in you. You may also wish to state them from different parts of yourself — for example, from your feet, head, heart, and from yourself as if you were a large orb. Be creative. You may wish to record yourself reciting them, and play them back to yourself as you go to sleep or take walks, for instance. Reciting them aloud may amplify them for you. Do not be afraid to improvise on them. Use them until they no longer elicit a response in you, either positive or negative.
If you are working with someone else, you can use affirmations in the second and third person. For example, after he says, “I am love,” you might say, “You are love” or “He (using the person’s name) is love.”
I am the healing force.
I trust in the movement of love.
I release myself (my family, my friends [can name them individually]) into the hands of love.
I am the love in all things.
I have no need to hold onto anything because I am the love in all things.
It is safe for me to let go of all worry and just reveal the love that I am.
It is okay for me just to be.
I let go of all responsibility except the responsibility to be love.
I trust in the power of love to heal my body.
I trust in the love given to me by my doctors (family, friends, etc.) to help my body heal itself.
I let go of all worry about the future, knowing that as I yield to love, the very best things possible will happen.
I have no need to worry about anyone or anything. I can just be.
When I feel afraid, I love my fear.
When I feel anxious, I love my anxiety.
When I start to feel that I need to be in control, I love my feeling that I need to be in control.
I am not afraid of any of my feelings. I love all my feelings.
All my feelings are trying to help me get well. I include them in love so that I may truly get well.
I am thankful for all the opportunities I have to learn the lessons of love.
I find it easier and easier each day to let go and just be love.
I let go of all worry about what I should or should not do, and simply let myself know what is right for me to do moment by moment.
I know that I am being guided and that I cannot do the wrong thing.
I let the power of love heal me.
I no longer need to be in control of my healing process.
The more I let go, the more powerful I am.
I can relax about everything that has been worrying me, and enjoy the process of healing.
The more I let go, the more alive I am.
The more I let go, the healthier I am.
I trust my body’s urge to heal. I don’t have to make it get well. All I have to do is support it.
I am becoming healthier every day.
As I yield to love, my body feels better and better.
I now release all negative thoughts I’ve picked up from others (through my medical treatment, etc.).
I allow new life to move in my heart [can name any area needing healing].
I receive the energy of my essence.
Each cell of my body receives the healing light of my essence.
I now let go to my inner healing source.
I am my healing power.
I am my healing source.
I receive healing energy into the top of my head [can name any other body part].
I receive healing energy into my fear [can name any other emotion].
I am my power in my hands [can name any other body part].
I receive healing.
I deserve to be healed.
I deserve to feel perfectly well.
I am as capable of receiving healing as anyone else.
Love and light are with me always.
I am eternally safe in the light.
I am always with the light.
The light is always with me.
I am the light.
I ask that the divine, universal spirit bring total healing into my life.
It is now safe for me to open to love.
I ask that the perfect pattern for my body come forth.
I feel the energy of the perfect spiritual pattern for my body.
I allow the energy of my perfect spiritual pattern to increase.
I receive perfect health into my physical body.
I fully let go of all old, negative patterns for my physical body.
I let go of all negative ideas about my body.
The perfect pattern for my body is always available.
No matter what symptoms I manifest, I am increasing my health.
I let healing come from the perfect spiritual pattern for my physical body.
I find it easy to let go.
I no longer need to clench.
It feels so good to let go and relax.
I am now fully supported from within.
I no longer experience myself as hanging off a cliff. I am on solid ground; therefore, I can let go.
I give the perfect spiritual pattern for my body a full opportunity to come forth.
I relax into the perfect spiritual pattern for my body.
I continue to receive the energy coming forth from the perfect spiritual pattern for my body.
I am the healing energy of my soul.
I receive my perfect spiritual pattern for my chest [can name any other body part].
I am a magnificent, radiant being.
I am light.
I allow my body to receive more fully the light of who I am.
I allow my struggle and resistance to receive the light of who I am.
I am the light that created my body and that now recreates it.
I am the light of total and absolute love manifested in my body.
I am the love that assuages all my fears.
I no longer have to struggle.
I open to my healing power twenty-four hours a day.
I give my healing power full permission to heal my body.
My healing power is healing me even when I’m doubting it.
I now allow myself to stay focused on receiving healing energy, even in the presence of painful symptoms.
I receive healing energy directly into all areas of need.
My pain is a reminder to open to healing energy.
I continue to receive healing power.
I am receiving healing in all that I do.
I now know that I am the source of healing for my body.
I am harmonious.
I receive energy.
I receive health.
I am the source of my health.
I receive love.
I receive love in my head [can name any other body part].
I release myself into love.
I accept my anger.
I love my anger.
I accept my frustration.
I love my frustration. (You cannot go past your frustration, but you can go through it. Love your frustration and it will change. There is power in acceptance and love. If you battle your frustration, it will entrench itself.)
I open to my frustration.
It is all right for me to feel angry and frustrated.
I relax into my anger and frustration.
I love and accept my body exactly the way it is, just as a mother loves and accepts her child exactly the way he (she) is.
Healing flows from my love and acceptance of my body.
Healing flows to my body in the presence of my anger and frustration.
Healing flows to my body no matter what I do or do not do.
My body is learning to relax in the presence of pain.
My body is learning to breathe freely in the presence of pain.
My body is learning to breathe freely all the time.
There is no need to fight or struggle with anything.
When I begin to fight or struggle, I remember to relax.
It is easy for me to relax completely.
It is easy for me to receive the healing power of love.
I acknowledge love as the fundamental energy of life.
I acknowledge love as the most powerful force in the universe.
Every cell of my body is receiving love.
Love is already a reality. I continue to open to it more and more.
I acknowledge the reduction of pain in my body.
I thank my body for opening to love in a greater way.
I allow my arms [can name any other body part] to open to love in a greater way.
I fully let go to love in my arms [can name any other body part].
I open to love (peace, etc.) with my whole being.
I let go of struggle.
I let go to the love I am.
My symptoms are parts of me crying out for my love.
Whenever I feel pain I respond with total love.
Whenever I feel frustrated (angry, etc.) with my pain, I respond with love to my frustration as well as to my pain.
I am learning to see love all around me.
All the people around me are embodiments of love.
Since love is the source of healing, I see all the people who love me as sources of healing.
All the plants (animals, minerals, objects, etc.) around me are embodiments of love and therefore sources of healing.
I feel my bed as an embodiment of love and a source of healing.
The air I breathe is an embodiment of love and a source of healing.
I trust love.
I am love.
I am the power of love.
I am the healing power of love.
I fill my whole space with love.
I am healing my body all the time.
I am healing my body even when my symptoms are evident.
I am healing my body even when I am in pain.
I am healing my body even when it appears otherwise.
I am healing every cell of my body at every moment of my life.
Opening to love sets me free.
I feel the presence of healing energy in my body.
Love is now healing my back [can name any other body part].
I am the healing power that relaxes my throat [can name any other body part].
I am the relaxation that heals my body.
I deserve to receive the healing power of love completely.
I have total confidence in my ability to receive the healing power of love.
I have everything it takes to heal completely.
I put total trust in the healing power of love.
Everything I do brings healing for me.
I commit to fully and continually opening to my healing energy in my thoughts.
The life energy that created my body is now recreating it.
I trust the life that brings me aliveness to expand my aliveness in my body.
In love, I embrace life.
I need not cling to life in desperation. I trust life, and know that it is always there for me. Therefore, I simply relax.
I embrace life heartily through the food I eat.
Because my body is becoming more peaceful, relaxed, and open, I am able to eat more food each day.
I am now comfortably accepting more and more nourishment into my body.
I have always been spiritually advanced enough to open to healing and to bring greater health to my body. I forgive myself for not realizing this before. I am beginning to know this now, and I am thankful for that.
Whenever I speak the loving truth, I feel better. I am learning to speak the truth in my thoughts and words always.
It is easy for me to remember to speak the loving truth about my body and about everything else in my life.
The truth sets me free to be more fully who I already am.
I am already love, truth, life, health, joy, peace, and happiness.
I find it easy to accept my condition exactly the way it is right now, because I know that it is the perfect starting point for creating health.
I use however I feel as a starting point to create health.
I know that healing power is always present in my body, even when I cannot discern it.
I love and accept the parts of me that are skeptical or negative. They are perfect starting points for healing. I open to healing in the presence of my skepticism and negativity, just as I open to healing in the presence of my pain and discomfort.
I need no special circumstances to open to healing. I open to healing whether it is noisy or quiet. I open to healing whether I am fatigued or energetic. I open to healing even while others around me are fearful and negative.
The more strongly that others believe I will not recover, the more my healing would inspire and bless them; therefore, I do not mind their negativity. I enjoy showing them that they, too, can open to their healing power.
I joyfully anticipate fun things I am going to do when I have more strength. I also take full advantage of how things are now to enjoy myself. I listen to music that is pleasurable and healing. I enjoy life-affirming movies, inspiring reading, and other activities available to me now. Most of all, I cherish this golden opportunity to come to better know my beautiful self.
I let the river inside me flow.
I let the river inside me carry away all that does not belong.
I allow the river inside me to carry away all the pain in my body (my headache, the tumors, etc.)
I allow myself to feel the river inside me more fully.
I open to the river inside me in the face of pain.
The river inside me is carrying away my pain (cancer, etc.); I don’t need it anymore.
I let go of my pain (cancer, etc.).
I let go of all sickness in my body; I don’t need it anymore.
I let go of all confusion in my body; I don’t need it anymore.
I let go of all fear in my body; I don’t need it anymore.
The river of love carries away all fear from my body.
I trust my power.
I dare to be love.
I acknowledge my letting go.
I am the letting go.
I continue letting go.
I now allow my essence to come forth fully and fill my space.
I now allow my essence to burn away any residues of what does not belong.
As I let go of what does not belong, I feel lighter and lighter.
I allow love to come forth and fill my whole space.
I am the love that fills my space.
I include my anger (darkness, hate, shortcomings, etc.) in my love.
I forgive myself.
I forgive the part of myself that makes mountains out of molehills (is self-indulgent, feels helpless, etc.)
I include in my love the part of myself that feels powerless.
I am ready to let go.
I release my fear of letting go.
I let go.
I am whole.
I am the harmony of my wholeness.
I open to my harmony now.
I release my fear of harmony.
I reestablish harmony.
I allow myself to be fully in harmony.
I am at peace with my harmony.
I let go of all my limiting concepts about myself.
I open to my essence.
I now reclaim my life.