[Chapter 7, Opening to Healing]
Energy is universal material that is charged, which causes it to move. The Tao is not energy; it has no charge — it simply is. From what is, energy emanates. The more you simply are, the more energy emanates from you. It emanates from a place that is not energy. To make an analogy, an electrical plant makes energy; the plant itself is not electricity.
Because energy is charged and moves substance (which is energy vibrating more slowly), it can heal. In most disease, there is a state of nonmovement. Energy stimulates movement in what is stuck if it is willing and ready to move. A person who has no blocks could theoretically handle an infinite amount of energy. In application, this is not practical because of the density of the human body. There are resistances built into it that are natural and necessary for its existence. Most people, however, are underenergized, and this is the source of many difficulties.
To be able to withstand high intensities of healing energy, the physical body must be strong. It was, for example, useful to Jesus that he walked so much; it made his body stronger and better able to withstand the intensity coming through it. Exercise itself is, of course, healing to the body. People who exercise a lot are often able to “get away with” more abuse to their body. Exercise keeps toxins moving out, as does flushing the body with pure water, another example of movement bringing healing. Too much water or exercise can be detrimental, so there is a balance.
Every healing technique promotes movement in one way or another. The art of healing is knowing what needs to move. Sound waves are a form of energy in motion. Proper sounds can move blocks. Light is also energy in motion; many people meditate on light for this reason.
Movement is needed on all levels of self. The word “emotion” is mostly the word “motion.” Expressing emotions appropriately allows them to move, promoting emotional healing. Thoughts also need to move. A thought going round and round in your head is like a bird that keeps flying into a window. If you express and clarify it, perhaps by writing it down and working with it, it is like opening a window.
Children can benefit from being taught to move on all levels. They can make healing sounds, such as through chant, and can learn to move in beautiful ways that allow their bodies’ energies to be free. Children should not be forced into movement patterns that are contrary to the ways their bodies want to move. For example, those who are not suited to ballet will not benefit from lessons in it, and may even be harmed by them. Those who are suited to it will likely enjoy them. Singing for children is important in moving their energy. Children who sing a lot are likely to be healthier than those who do not. They should be encouraged to make up songs. Adults can also benefit from doing this.
Love is the highest form of energy; therefore, love is the greatest healer. Every other form of healing is a manifestation of love. Loving is the most significant contribution you can make to the well-being of others. Most people have a quite limited experience of love. No matter how much love you have, you can always experience more. You are on earth to increase your experience of love, and to increase love itself. In fact, increasing love is the purpose of all existence.