By Mike North and JP Van Hulle
[Originally published 2010. Light editing and comments by Shepherd Hoodwin July 3, 2021]
Tantalizing pieces of information about body-types have been channeled over the last 20 years. Since we are entering a new 21-year cycle, it seemed good and timely to combine these pieces into one document.
The four topics we will discuss are: what defines each body type, what foods work best with each of them, what is the best way to use exercise or other healing techniques for each body type, and some hyperlinks to pictures of people that present good examples of what each of the body types looks like for your comparison to your own.
First, let us provide some general information on body types. Body types are based on the astronomical bodies in our local solar system, starting with the Sun, then the Moon, then Mercury and so on all the way out to Saturn. The other planets, Uranus and Neptune and the planetoid Pluto only provide influences on the main body types. Newly discovered planetoids near Pluto will probably eventually be seen to have body type influences as well, but that is a topic for future channeling. For now, since any planetary body further away than Saturn has only a small influence on a minority of people we will concentrate on the main body types.
Most people have two body types in combination, meaning their body reflects the characteristics of two distinct planets; for instance, Solar and Mercurial, or Martial and Jovial. You will have to decide, unless you get some channeling on it, which two planets influence you and which of those two is dominant. It usually only takes a few minutes reflection after you have read all of this material and processed it. We have included some links to pictures of some classic examples of each type to help you along.
There are a few people who show only one body type and a few people who actually show three main body types [SH: or even four]. If you have only one body type, it will be to facilitate a life task or karma. If you have three, one of them will [SH: probably] be a small influence, generally 10% or less.
There are seven main body types. Less than 10% of the population is influenced by one of the three outer planets. We have listed them because they help explain the appearance and characteristics of some people even more precisely. An example would be the famous Russian monk, Rasputin. His Plutonian influence was revealed by his mesmerizing eyes, high forehead, and the fact that, while controversial, he still maintained a loyal following. We will discuss each body type and influence thoroughly using examples to eliminate confusion.
There are some very practical reasons to understand body types. Each works best with a diet that suits it well. That can be easily seen in a large household. You may have some Martial types that adore protein mixed in with Saturnian types that love a broad based organic diet and a Venusian that just loves sweets. That makes for interesting dinner planning. Most families compromise as they go along but understanding the unique needs of all parties simplifies matters.
Have you ever noticed that people seem to fall into patterns that work for them? Some people just need to shun meat, often preferring a vegan diet. When they eat meat, it seems to make them ill. Others thrive on milk and cream, or luscious desserts and sweets while others are meat eaters, feeling weak and cranky without regular ingestion of animal proteins.
Some people just love to jog; they can do 6-7 miles a day. While others crave resistance training, and the only thing that satisfies them is the muscle burn they get heaving iron in the gym. Knowing your body types can help you understand what works best for you, making it easier to stay on the path to good health.
Here are a few tips for reading this information.
Vision activates 65% of the neurons in your brain. Keep your eyes open and try to stop noticing things in your environment: it isn’t possible; you are hard wired to use your eyes for perception. That is why you close your eyes to really taste or hear or feel, it allows more of your neurons to switch to that sense. Therefore, we suggest that you use the hyperlinks to view examples of the body types even if you think you remember what some of these people look like.
Please take into account that people can deliberately change their natural appearance. Marilyn Monroe is a great example—her hair was reddish until she bleached it to her signature platinum blonde. She also used make-up to hide her freckles. That is one reason why we wanted to display many images of each person as well. Please also look at the entire body, rather than just the face. The public domain is the best place to view people in a natural state rather than publicity pictures.
[SH: Secondary influences also assert themselves and blend with the primary body type, so not everything written about your primary type may apply to you. Reading about all your influences will give you a fuller picture. Also, channels sometimes disagree on the overleave of celebrities, including body types, but the examples can give you an idea of the types.]
Lunar is luminous. The skin is pale or seems lit up from within. The face tends to be round. The body is curvy, but not tall; most Lunars are short to average in height. Think of how round the moon is in the sky; that is the shape you will see in the Lunar face.
Lunar men have a pear shape. They are rounder around the hips and narrower around the chest than average. Their legs are more easily developed than their upper bodies and they can excel at cycling, running or soccer more easily than a sport that takes a lot of upper body power, like baseball. Nonetheless, the Lunar is so persevering that you will find them throughout the sports world. Ironically, a lot of Lunars enjoy golf and bowling, for example, and excel in strategy rather than power for the most part.
The Lunar woman is often seen as the paragon of classic wife and mother fantasies: cute and curvy, with excellent cooking and baking skills, obedient, emotionally nurturing and great with children. Much of this reputation goes back to earlier centuries when Server women often took Lunar bodies to be more emotionally perceptive and persevering, as well as classically attractive in order to have many mating options. Now, although some women are born into the Lunar body type because they plan on having lifetimes that fit the stereotype, others may surprise potential lovers by having only some of these interests, traits, or skills.
Lunar men tend to get beer-bellied as they grow older; Lunar women just see their waistlines expand slowly over time. The classic cartoon Betty Boop is a classic Lunar female body type, petite and curvaceous. Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons is a male Lunar type.
Lunars can be naïve and easily hurt or manipulated when young. They need to exercise their native ability to see clearly to the heart of a matter. If they do not develop their perceptive skills, Lunars tend to become either cynical or depressed and withdrawn as they grow older.
Lunars have sensitive faces as well as delicate internal organs; especially the liver, kidneys, and intestines.
Dietary preferences
Lunars love dairy products from any animal source. They like dairy products so very much, that they may raise goats, yaks, sheep or cows to enjoy the freshest available dairy products. If they have another body type influence that affects them; if they are part Solar, for example; they may drink soy milk to alleviate their allergy to animal milks, but they crave that dairy texture. This includes cheeses, yogurts, puddings or ice cream depending on the individual.
Lunars are also usually attracted to onions and garlic to help clean their digestive tracts. They want savory, stick-to-the-ribs hearty food, like root vegetables and nuts. Comfort foods rather than really exotic foods are favored, simple beer or wine rather than fancy mixed drinks or liqueurs. And yes, Lunars enjoy alcoholic beverages; especially beers or grain based alcoholic beverages.
Lunars are the body type most compatible with the consumption of grains. Lunars invented breads and pastas, and, in fact, the cultivation of grains as food. Anyone who has ever enjoyed a fresh baked loaf of bread or bowl of spaghetti has Lunars to thank.
Healing suggestions
The easiest way to keep your weight balanced is to reduce portions of dense foods and alcohol, and increase the consumption of lighter foods. Overweight and too much alcohol consumption are big issues for Lunars. They need to eat foods that aid digestion and to eat slowly. Drink moderately, or if you cannot, get support to stop alcohol consumption altogether. Lunars actually suffer little to no negative side effects from consumption of coffee and tea, so those may be acceptable substitutes for alcohol.
Liberal consumption of vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat dairy products will offset the desire for so many denser foods. Lunar bodies seem to digest poultry, game birds, fish, rabbit and eggs better than meats from larger animals. Rather than trying to deprive yourself, eat more of the lighter foods you like before you consume the heavier.
Lunars benefit from nice walks with the dog, tai chi, or gentle yoga and meditation, rather than extreme forms of exercise. Moderation is the key to keeping a Lunar fit.
Kelly Ripa (Lunar/Solar)
Rachel Ray (Lunar/Venusian)
Britney Spears (Lunar/Martial)
Ingrid Bergman (Lunar/Plutonian)
Donna Reed (Lunar/Neptunian)
Sebastian Cabot (Lunar/Venusian)
Spike Lee (Lunar/Mercurial)
Betty Rubble (Lunar/Solar)
Jason Alexander (Lunar/Martial)
Ernest Borgnine (Lunar/Uranian)
Saturnians are the tallest, lankiest body type. They tend to grow beanpole straight up and down, varying in thickness of build depending on what other body type may be in the mix. Some examples are Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, George Bush, Sr., Abraham Lincoln, Jeff Goldblum, and Wilt Chamberlin. Most models are Saturnian, but many, like Cindy Crawford or Tyra Banks, have mixes with other body types. Their muscles are long and ropey, and they don’t gain weight easily. However, Saturnians do get dehydrated easily and have to be careful not to suffer from heat stroke.
Saturnians suffer from stress and depression easily. That is generally because they stand out in a crowd and people tend to put higher than normal expectations on them. Saturnians can be excellent at defining a boundary when balanced. If not, they walk around like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. The character Lurch from The Addams Family television show is a good archetype. Saturnians are often surprisingly shy, because every other body type watches what they do.
In defense, and to maintain balance, Saturnians are the best of the body types at managing their instinctive issues. They honor nature and shamanistic practices, optimizing what balances them. They like natural foods, plain and unadorned, as possible. Vegetarian and even vegan eating is a Saturnian trait. This body type likes organically grown foods and can be picky eaters, in that food has to be what they like or necessary to survival, or they simply skip eating altogether. They love to mix and match foods to eat exactly what feels like the perfect meal for their body at the moment.
Saturnians have the body type that best improves from following a spiritual path. Phil Jackson, who coaches NBA basketball and follows Buddhism, is called the Guru. That reflects a Saturnian in balance.
Dietary preferences
This is a 75% vegetarian body type. Most Saturnians do not like domesticated meat or other farm animal products, prefer not to eat them, and may be allergic to some of it. The closer to the land or sea and the simpler the preparation is, the better for the average Saturnian. Saturnians thrive on game or wild fish. A salad is also a perfect Saturnian dish. They need water more than most body types, and are rarely seen without their bottled or filtered water. They do not imbibe a lot of alcoholic beverages; they would rather drink fresh juice. Saturnians also like nuts and seeds and have a natural love for freshly grown herbs flavoring their food rather than heavy sauces. Saturnians do well in survival training and living off of the land. Under such circumstances, they do better than other body types eating miner’s lettuce, quail eggs, edible wild roots, herbs, berries, insects, or whatever it takes to survive under the circumstances.
Healing suggestions
Saturnians are hearty outdoorsmen, but need to regularly work on maintaining their emotional balance. Meditation is extremely useful for a Saturnian. They are prone to arthritis, depression, eating disorders, drug abuse, and dehydration. Though they do not commonly develop alcoholism, they have a weakness where drugs are concerned. Many a Saturnian woman, under great pressure to preserve a certain popular look (tall and very thin), has become addicted to heroin or cocaine to achieve these results and handle the stress society places on her.
Saturnians must drink water and keep the muscles stretched and limber. Yoga is a great exercise for a Saturnian. Hiking, climbing, sailing, skiing, and other outdoor sports are their forte. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar played basketball, an aerobic sport, but he jogged lightly through the game, rather than sprinting. By and large, Saturnians just are not interested in heavy, vigorous exercise for exercise’s sake. They stay healthy being natural, persevering athletes. Balance in all centers—emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual—is vital for this body type.
Tyra Banks (Saturnian/Jovial)
Abraham Lincoln (Saturnian/Mercurial)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Saturnian/Mercurial)
Christie Brinkley (Saturnian/Lunar/Martial)
Alison Janney (Saturnian/Martial)
Jeff Goldblum (Saturnian/Solar/Uranian)
Geena Davis (Saturnian/Lunar)
Eleanor Roosevelt (Saturnian/Plutonian)
Phil Jackson (Saturnian/Uranian)
Wilt Chamberlain (Saturnian/Martial)
Jovial is the stockiest body type. Jovials have gravitas, a huge natural energy and charisma, and tend to have charming or magnetic appeal like Santa Claus or the Shakespearean character Falstaff. Because they have a tendency to self-indulgence, like Venusians, they have a tendency to overweight, like Orson Welles, Oprah Winfrey, or Ethel Merman. If Jovials are inspired to exercise, they can develop large, strong muscles. Heavyweight boxers like Mike Tyson are Jovials that work at staying fit. Jovials are extroverted; and can wield great influence and power, but do so in a very charming way.
Jovials get people to rally around them, they host great feasts, and are energetically fed by social interaction. The average Jovial has a jovial happy-go-lucky demeanor. If they are not in great shape, like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is, they usually look like Santa Claus or Burl Ives. If female, they are quick, powerful, and forceful. Because society frowns on women having large bodies, many famous Jovial women stay thin with a ruthless dietary regimen, but their Jovial nature still shows in their personalities. Barbara Bush, Barbara Streisand, and Barbara Walters, each Jovial, stand for causes they believe in. They are usually very grounded and clear about their priorities. If someone you know is becoming more Jovial, you will see over the years how they become more grounded in what they do, and the reverse is true if they are migrating away from Jovial.
Jovials have thin hair and generally small teeth, as well as smaller hands and feet than average. Nonetheless they tend to move very gracefully for their size or bulk. Their voices are distinctive and they often have rich, appealing speaking or singing voices.
They tend to have a favorite spot from which to oversee the environment wherever they go. No one would dream of sitting in their chair, or giving anyone but the Jovial control of the remote.
Dietary preferences
The Jovial body type loves a feast, the bigger the better. Imagine all those movies with King Henry VIII or Louis XIV, where they have tables upon tables of food. Hams, turkeys, roasts, salads with fifteen fruits and vegetables in them, bowls of fruit, many varieties of nuts, lots of beverages and desserts. Though not enamored of whole meals of exotic fare, this body type is experimental and will try almost anything once. In Hawaii, the Jovial would roast a whole pig and serve the village.
That is the second aspect of the Jovial; they love to host the feast. They want all of their friends to share in the feasting, storytelling, and good times. It is very difficult for a Jovial to dine alone; they just want to invite friends over. A solitary Jovial is a miserable Jovial. Jovials will often have children just to have someone to entertain. If not, the neighborhood kids can come over anytime. Ironically, even though they can consume a large portion of wine with dinner or beer with pizza, the Jovial is not likely to abuse alcohol. They would rather eat or consume large quantities of coffee or tea than drink a lot of liquor.
Healing suggestions
Tooth decay, diabetes, gout, overweight, digestion, and hair loss are all issues for the Jovial. They tend to overdo: why stop at one turkey leg when two are available? Ironically they can easily fast for a day (or a week!), savoring the joy that was their last feast and cleaning out their system with water and, possibly, juice and herbs. But soon they feel the need to feast again. Orson Welles used to start a hosted lunch at the same restaurant at 2 pm every day and not finish until 10pm. He never did dinner, just one giant feast every day. The menu varied, the guests varied, but the feast started at 2 pm.
Jovials do ever so much better on a diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables, roots, legumes, and oils, much of it fresh, organic, and raw. They need little to no animal flesh, dairy products, sweets, or grains. Though they tend to love all foods, these foods in particular contribute to their problems with massive overweight. However, they cannot avoid all of these foods continually without great stress. Deprivation will frustrate the Jovial and they will find the dessert cart anyway. Moderate your diet to generally follow the guidelines above and make sure there are plentiful quantities of healthy Jovial foods. Then, the Jovial can enjoy the foods that are less healthy for them in moderation. Remember, they can carry weight better than most body types and still be healthy.
Jovials need exercise and they need weight and strength work. They are not long distance runners; they throw the discus instead. They just have to be careful not to overdo it. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a great Jovial exerciser. Jovials prefer anaerobic to aerobic exercise. Rather than run, a Jovial would rather go for long walks, climb stairs, row boats, or do yoga.
Santa Claus (Archetype, only Jovial)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Jovial/Martial)
Serena Williams (Jovial/Mercurial)
Paula Deen (Jovial/Lunar)
Orson Welles (Jovial/Martial)
Barbara Walters (Jovial/Martial)
Barbra Streisand (Jovial/Solar)
Barbara Bush (Jovial/Venusian)
Burl Ives (Jovial/Lunar)
Mike Tyson (Jovial/Martial)
Muhammad Ali (Jovial/Mercurial)
Forest Whitaker (Jovial/Uranian)
James Earl Jones (Jovial/Uranian)
Mercurial types are thin and dynamic. They tan easily or are dark for their racial background and are short to average in height. A classic example is the Mercury figure for FTD flowers. They are sharper featured than Lunars, having thin ankles and necks and pointed noses and elbows. They tend to move quickly, think quickly, and like things neat and organized. They love precision and exactness in all things. They also move with an ease of speed and grace, a graceful quickness permeates whatever they do.
The Mercurial body type is driven to perfection. Anything less than the best possible result throws them into fret and worry that is eventually detrimental to their health. They often smoke. They are the classic Type A personalities, often developing ulcers, colitis, high blood pressure, and eventually a predilection towards strokes unless they learn to take it easy and relax.
Fred Astaire, Felix Tony Randall, and Joe DiMaggio are good examples of Mercurial body type. Mercurials (and Martials) like tattoos, precise haircuts, and other adornments. Dennis Rodman is a good example of Mercury with his adornments.
Mercurials have delicate brain chemistry, circulatory systems, are prone to leg injuries, and develop cancer easily from smoking. They have a tendency to throat disorders if they feel that they must misrepresent matters or even outright lie (at a job, for example).
Dietary preferences
Mercurials like strong tastes. They like raspberries on their ice cream. They want a kick to their salsa. They want strong curry and spicy chili. They would rather have dark chocolate. They hate bland. They will not crave meat loaf, where a Lunar or Venusian might. They want spices or herbs on their food. They do not want vodka; they want an appletini. They want salty, tangy, spicy and strong sweet, and all at one meal. They can be great gourmets and whip up elegant meals, beautifully presented.
Mercurials are omnivores, but don’t eat big portions. They consume the occasional meat, but not the 22oz. steak that the Jovial wants. And if it has a delicious sauce over it or something to dip it into, they are so much happier. This is the body type that most enjoys that mango salsa with habanera chilies and cilantro that accompanies the fish. Mercurials love to use all parts of their tongue for tasting. They love the juxtaposition of different flavors.
Mercurials love wines and most wine makers or connoisseurs are mostly Mercurial or Martial. This is the likeliest body type to own a wine cellar and, if there is any overindulgence a Mercurial is given to, it is an overconsumption of the grape.
Healing suggestions
Mercurials love to exercise. Aerobics, jazzercise, and cycling are excellent exercise for Mercurials. Dancing is perfect, as this body type loves the smooth elegance of a dance. They make wonderful long distance runners, especially if they also have some Saturnian body type mixed in for leg length. At the same time, a Mercurial must take great care to run with proper training and footwear or they can sustain painful leg injuries.
Mercury body types are prone to get cancer easily from smoking. They are prone to strokes and other brain problems including chemical imbalances, depression, and tumors. Deep breathing exercises and clean air are excellent for their health, as well as eliminating toxins, metals, and excess mineral deposits in their blood, which impact brain function.
This body type must drink lots of water; dehydration can have devastating results on the system. Over indulgence of wine can have a negative impact on their kidneys and livers due to their tendency to be too dehydrated. Most importantly, they must follow some regular relaxation regimen; yoga, meditation, retreats to a mountain hideaway—whatever totally unwinds them from their worries.
Holly Hunter (Mercurial/Solar)
Matt Lauer (Mercurial/Solar)
Will Smith (Mercurial/Saturnian/Uranian)
Lucy Liu (Mercurial/Martial)
Jennifer Love Hewitt (Mercurial/Venusian)
Teri Hatcher (Mercurial/Neptunian)
David Niven (Mercurial/Neptunian)
Pee Wee Herman (Mercurial/Uranian)
Audrey Hepburn (Mercurial/Solar/Neptunian)
Venusians love luxury. They prefer to relax and lounge rather than exercise. A day at the pool is the best day of the week. Luxury seems to work for them. They like decadent foods, like chocolate and champagne. They are fun to have at a party because Venusian bodies can celebrate almost anything, and in the process, cherish it. So there is an optimistic bent to most Venusians. They enjoy being served.
Venusian bodies seem to have extra curviness to them. In females, it is quite noticeable. Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and Anna Nicole Smith were Venusians. They have smaller waists, larger hips and larger softer breasts than most. They personify the hourglass shape in their physique. Venusian men have soft skin and they can gain weight quickly. Think about how John Travolta, who is almost 100% Venusian, and how he can morph from the fit dancer in Saturday Night Fever to the overweight killer in Pulp Fiction.
Venusians have dense, thick, fast growing hair, and they love their hair. They have hair everywhere. If they are men, they will have hair on their backs as well as their chests. Robin Williams is a good example of that feature of the Venusian body type (mixed with Martial). Venusian woman may be inclined to shave frequently and over lavish portions of their anatomy.
Male and female Venusians love the senses they have and love to use them. They enjoy things for how they feel or smell even more than how they look. They are sensual, without necessarily being sexual.
Venusians have delicate breasts and stomachs.
Dietary preferences
Venusians love their fruits and veggies, all of the things you would find in a cornucopia. They crave sweets, especially luxury items, like fine chocolate or candied apricots. They also appreciate caviar, fine pate, and champagne. When they are imbalanced or upset, they reach for the Godiva box or pint of Haagen Dazs and declare quite seriously that they need them. Venusians just do not do well at Weight Watchers. Where they get into trouble is with overindulgence of grains, pasta, breads or sweets. Venusians thrive on grains more than any body type and will be miserable if they exclude them from their diet. Whole grains in reasonable amounts are the answer here. Does a Venusian need regular satisfaction for that sweet tooth? Yes, but moderation is the key.
Venusians are not generally big drinkers, but they do love to sip champagne at special occasions, enjoy a fine wine or elegant cocktail at mealtimes, or savor a fancy liqueur, brandy, port or sherry in the evenings. If any Venusian starts to live the high life due to acquiring some fame and fortune, they may find that repeated partying leads them to problems with alcohol they never expected to encounter.
Venusians are not really meat eaters, they are happy with fish or small portions of poultry. So salmon on a salad is a perfect Venusian meal. If the waiter asks if they have room for dessert, expect them to say that, of course, they do. Also, if that dessert is exotic, new, and different, they want it. Medjool dates from Morocco, chocolate from Mongolia, macadamia-coconut ice cream from Hawaii must be tasted and savored. Venusians prefer the high life and the foods that go along with it.
Healing suggestions
Venusians need their rest. If they get too harried, they will become depressed and exhausted. Encourage them to take their bubble baths or indulge in some hammock time on the weekends; it is good for them. Heavy exercise is not something they will be able to force themselves to do regularly unless it is something they truly love like hula or belly dancing or horseback riding (sensual pursuits). Most Venusians like their exercise to be light and simple, like water aerobics or long leisurely swims or walks. Games that they enjoy like tag or wrestling also work, especially if they get spa time afterward.
John Travolta (Venusian/Mercurial)
Robin Williams (Venusian/Uranian)
Mike Myers (Venusian/Uranian)
Elizabeth Taylor (Venusian/Solar)
Anna Nicole Smith (Venusian/Solar)
Marilyn Monroe (Venusian/Martial)
Morgan Freeman (Venusian/Martial)
Cesar Chavez (Venusian/Mercurial)
Martials are lean yet very strong. They have long, strong muscle fiber but not bulky like a weight lifter, more like a middleweight boxer. They have fair skin which usually sunburns. Freckles are Martial; imagine the skin and body shape of Lindsay Lohan. Martials are a just a bit shorter than average but well proportioned, some systems call them mesomorphs as a body type. Martial hair color typically has a reddish tint to it, from auburn brunettes, to redheads, to strawberry blonds. They are somewhere in between the quick, lean Mercurial type and the massively muscled, super-strong Jovial type, with ropy arm muscles and bandy legs. A jockey is a combination of Mercury and Martial. Martial men are high in testosterone and tend to go bald easily and while fairly young.
Martials have amazing endurance emotionally as well as physically. It is often the family member with the Martial body type that takes care of the child with brain damage or the parent with dementia. Martials are extremely loyal and patriotic, and expect others to be the same. They can feel betrayed and angry when they discover that not everyone has the same standards for these qualities that they do. Martials tend to have fiery or quick tempers.
Martials’ hearts are their most delicate organs; they are constantly running energy and mood swings through their emotional centers. Because they can take things to heart so easily, they need to learn anger management skills to avoid domestic disputes, bar fights, inadvertent physical violence, and eventual heart attacks from stress. John Wayne and Wesley Snipes are Martial/Jovial and often play Martial characters in their movies. Conan O’Brien is a great example of the skin, hair and emotional energy of a Martial body.
Dietary preferences
Martials love meat. They would happily enjoy a BBQ every week. They love protein foods to the point of excess. Martials thrive on the Atkins diet or some similar high-protein regimen. They use animal proteins to build sinewy, ropey muscles. They also use enormous amounts of essential fats and oils, and need fish and if possible, coconut and avocado in their diet.
They need very little fruit and have almost no attraction to sugar, but need lots of vegetables, roots, legumes and nuts to give them the roughage they need. Martials do best with oats or baked or boiled root vegetables and legumes in terms of starchy foods. These are better for their heart than French fries or grains other than oats.
Martials are the body type that invented whiskey, gin, vodka, and other hard spirits. It is the classic Martial that has a favorite stool at the corner bar, and comes in to slug down straight shots when they are angry, sad, or down. Alcohol as a favored part of the diet is common among Martials (who can enjoy wine or beer as well). In fact, many wineries and breweries are owned or run by Martials. Martials and Lunars are the body types most easily given to over-consumption of alcohol.
Healing suggestions
The skin, adrenal glands, heart and liver are the most delicate organs for Martials. They need to monitor excess protein levels by watching how much they eat and not allowing themselves to become too acidic. Martials can be happy with a steak but salmon and most other oily fish are great for a Martial person, rather than always going for red meat.
Martials tend to be very assertive, so they can exhaust themselves. Meditation is good for the Martial along with a balanced exercise routine. This body type tends to routinely over exercise and then pull muscles, pop tendons or wrench their backs out of alignment. They need some resistance training, some aerobics, and some stretching, but not too much of any of it and they should not overindulge in any one exercise for long periods of time, though these are the first of the body types to participate in Iron man competitions. Martial arts are satisfying for many Martials, as are boxing and gymnastic workouts.
Martials need to baby their skin. They burn easily. They get hair and skin diseases when stressed. Their hair gets brittle and splits at the ends, so oil in their shampoo or conditioner is good for the Martial.
Finally, they must watch their heart health. Martials tend not to know when to back away from conflict and calm down, so their hearts work at higher than average pressure levels throughout the day. This behavior makes them feisty, and can lead to heart failure later in life. One of the most common results of emotional turmoil in Martials is alcohol abuse. Any Martial who falls into this pit will find it very difficult to climb out. Use a 12-step program or rehabilitation program to give you enough support to stay emotionally balanced. Therapy sessions with a good psychologist are also extremely helpful.
Lindsay Lohan (Martial/Plutonian)
Anna Kournikova (Martial/Solar)
John Wayne (Martial/Jovial)
Wesley Snipes (Martial/Saturnian/Mercurial)
Nelson Mandela (Martial/Lunar/Uranian)
George W. Bush (Martial/Venusian)
Kirsten Dunst (Martial/Lunar)
Venus Williams (Martial/Saturnian)
Mikhail Baryshnikov (Martial/Mercurial)
Katharine Hepburn (Martial/Saturnian)
Solars are delicate hothouse flowers. They can be any height. Many have pale skin, light eyes, and dark hair. They can also be golden brown, with golden-to-golden red hair or highlights in their hair in the sun. They cannot handle too much heat or cold. They get very used to the climate they are in and do not like to change it. They usually are thin and less muscular than a Mercurial. They have dietary restrictions and can only handle certain kinds of foods or their organs get out of balance.
They often have allergies. They love sugar and juices and many behave as if they can just live on that like a hummingbird. They have sunny dispositions as long as there is not a lot of conflict around. They need to get out into the sunlight. If they stay inside a lot, they get sickly.
There are many people who are partially Solar rather than predominately Solar.
Dietary preferences
Solars, like Saturnians, prefer simple foods, especially simple fruits and vegetables. They do not do well with all seeds and nuts because they tend to get allergic reactions to some of them. They are very picky eaters, because many foods make them feel imbalanced or ill, so even Solar children will tell you what they want. By the time they are adults, they usually know exactly what does and doesn’t work for them, so they make their food choices carefully. They read labels and prefer honey or fruit as a sweetener, rather than high fructose corn syrup as that is too hard on the Solar pancreas. They, like Saturnians, shop at farmers’ markets to get fresh ingredients that are easy to digest.
Healing suggestions
Solars must be careful to avoid osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. They break bones easily. They suffer from organ failure if they do not pay attention to lifestyle, exercise, and diet. Solars are the likeliest body type to suffer from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia if they are overstressed.
Normally, how they exercise depends on the body type they are paired up with. A Solar-Mercury would like some light dancing, whereas a Solar-Lunar wants a simple walk. Most Solars do well with tai chi, prana yoga, outdoor swimming, and surfing. The ocean is exceptionally healing for them.
They need direct exposure to moderate amounts of sunlight to absorb vitamins correctly. They will become very depressed if they live somewhere where there is very little daylight for much of the year. Alaska or Poland is fine for Solars during the summer months, but as soon as nights lengthen in the fall, they need to head south. In fact, Solars are a predominant body type in the “snowbird” community; those who travel with the seasons to sunnier climes.
Solars must stay as stress-free as possible and live in mild climates if they can. Exposure to a Minnesota winter can literally kill off a Solar that is unbalanced, through pneumonia or shattering of brittle bones in a fall.
Solars must pay attention to their diets. Mineral supplementation is usually necessary, as well as getting enough protein, eating enough vegetables, and going easy on the sugar. Solars should avoid antibiotics if at all possible and replenish their digestive systems with healthy bacteria as soon as possible if not. Fish and greens, including sea vegetables, are excellent food sources for Solars.
Paris Hilton (Solar/Uranian)
Xena Warrior Princess (Lucy Lawless) (Solar/Venusian)
Angelina Jolie (Solar/Venusian)
Winona Ryder (Solar/Martial)
Don Johnson (Solar/Venusian)
Pierce Brosnan (Solar/Saturnian)
Diane Cannon (Solar/Martial)
Diana Ross (Solar/Mercurial)
Jack Black (Solar/Jovial)
Troy Donahue (Solar/Venusian)
Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon (both Solar/Mercurial, it is why they match so well)
Brigitte Bardot (Solar/Neptunian)
Anne Rice (Solar/Plutonian)
The planets and planetary bodies that are further from Earth than Saturn can influence us, but are too far away to predominate as a body type. One is not predominately Uranian, Neptunian, or Plutonian. You may be Saturnian with Uranian influence. Or you may be Jovial with Plutonian influence. It is very rare for anyone to have more than a 20% outer planet influence on body type as an added characteristic to the body type blend that they are. These influences do not create additional dietary needs. An influence is an extra spin that you bring in to learn lessons during this lifetime on the physical plane. Other than Uranian, most influences are not very noticeable until the late twenties. So the influence on the body will start to really show up in the early thirties.
The planet Uranus provides genetic anomalies for unusual physical appearance accompanied by gourmet taste and culinary talents as well as musical ability. Uranians often have thick, unusual eyebrows or hair that is an unusual color for their race or age; e.g. blond Africans, redheaded Asians, or people whose hair goes prematurely white. They may have alopecia or may prefer to go bald deliberately. They can be exceptionally tall, be a dwarf, have extra fingers or toes, a tail, or webbing. Often they have an exceptionally large head. Many Uranians are exceedingly intelligent. You can count on people with Uranian influence to be unique in their appearance in some way.
Uranian influenced chefs make signature dishes so unique that you have never tasted anything quite like it before. Waldorf salad and ranch dressing were invented by Uranians. Lava and funnel cakes, baked Alaska, bananas foster ,and Irish coffee are other examples. The Uranian can turn leftovers into a gourmet meal but may never serve the exact dish again because everything they whip up is a one-of-a-kind experience, unique only to the moment.
They exercise the same way, using some spin on a standard exercise that the average person would rarely think of. The trampoline was invented by a Uranian, as was the rock climbing wall.
Danny Devito (Martial/Uranian)
Woody Allen (Venusian/Uranian)
Dennis Rodman (Saturnian/Mercurial/Uranian)
Emeril (Jovial/Uranian)
Julia Child (Jovial/Saturnian/Uranian)
Telly Savalas (Martial/Uranian)
Steve Martin (Solar/Uranian)
Shaquille O’Neal (Jovial/Uranian)
Rhea Perlman (Martial/Uranian)
Grace Kelly (Venusian/Neptunian/Uranian)
Andre The Giant (Jovial/Uranian)
Susan Powter (Mercurial/Martial/Uranian)
Sinead O’Connor (Martial/Uranian)
Annie Lennox (Solar/Uranian)
Ernie Kovacs (Solar/Uranian)
People are drawn to Neptunians because they are pixy- or fairy-like. The eyes are dreamy, often large and with exceptionally long lashes that draw attention to them. You almost expect Neptunians to have pointy ears. They have a light, androgynous energy about them. David Bowie, Kate Moss, and Liza Minelli all have Neptunian influence. Michael Jackson is classically Neptunian; he even had plastic surgery to add in more Neptunian influence, sharpening his nose, making his whole face more angular. This influence usually bestows an arresting, distinctive, and beautiful voice. Neptunians appear to be very light on their feet, almost like they can fly. They draw you in, encouraging you to play and find your inner child.
As far as dietary habits, Neptunian influenced body types can eat anything when they remember to eat. They like vitamin supplements, but really don’t notice food. You have to remind them to eat. Isaac Newton was a classic example of that; he would go two or three days between meals.
They love to exercise in groups, like a biking, jogging, or running club. They love exercise that puts them in the air; parachuting, parasailing, trapeze, gymnastics, and trampoline.
Iman (Saturnian/Neptunian)
David Bowie (Saturnian/Neptunian and Essence Twin of Iman)
Sarah Jessica Parker (Mercurial/Neptunian)
Michael Jackson (Mercurial/Neptunian)
Audrey Hepburn (Solar/Neptunian)
Hugo Weaving (Martial/Neptunian)
Karen Carpenter (Saturnian/Neptunian)
Judy Garland (Martial/Venusian/Neptunian)
Jim Carrey (Martial/Neptunian)
Other than a somewhat high forehead, Plutonian is not so much a physically influential planetoid as much as one that facilitates lessons about authority and power. It imbues an aura that signals the leadership quality of the Plutonian and encourages others to follow.
The fictional characters Batman and Dracula are one type of Plutonian archetypes. They have an alluring leadership quality, and they are also creatures of the night. Pluto is mythologically linked to the underworld and Plutonian influence pulls on the unconscious minds of those who associate with Plutonians. Rasputin and Jim Jones are good examples of this. Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, and Mother Teresa are examples of the lighter side of Pluto. Those with Plutonian influence gain power as they age.
The high Plutonian forehead is instinctively pleasing to the Plutonian and they show it to you. For centuries, the English and French aristocracy pulled their hair back from their foreheads as far as they could to leverage this Plutonian trait and demonstrate who was in control. Not just the King or Queen, but the entire aristocracy wanted to display who held the most power in these societies.
Plutonians tend to be very analytical. They take great leaps of faith based on leaps of deduction, and they may appear to be ahead of their time or even have visions that they share with their followers. They do collect followers, sometimes in a cult-like manner. The character Lestat de Lioncourt in Interview with a Vampire is an archetype of this quality. Plutonians’ eyes are usually mesmerizing, forcing you to deal with or shy away from their power and attraction.
Plutonians rarely cook and would rather eat well-prepared meals from a restaurant. They enjoy and notice good service and are likelier to have a personal chef than any other body type. Plutonians consider their bodies to be vehicles carrying their souls toward greater purposes and therefore give food little consideration and will abstain from it to make a political gesture.
This influence is not inclined toward a particular exercise, but they are happy to use a personal trainer to avoid injury or a physical therapist if injured.
Princess Diana (Saturnian/Plutonian)
Albert Einstein (Lunar/Uranian/Plutonian)
Joe Montana (Martial/Solar/Plutonian)
Barry Bonds (Jovial/Plutonian)
Rasputin (Saturnian/Plutonian)
King Kamehameha (Jovial/Plutonian)
Jerry Rice (Mercurial/Plutonian)
Savonarola (Saturnian/Plutonian)
Haile Selassie (Mercurial/Plutonian)
Howard Cosell (Solar/Lunar/Plutonian)
Dracula (Plutonian Archetype)
Bela Lugosi (Saturnian/Plutonian)