Michael Channeled by Shepherd Hoodwin
March 26, 2017
Boulder, Colorado
Transcribed by Johanne Boisvert
(Channeled from Shepherd’s essence)
Love is not something you receive; love is what you are.
Listen for the internal vibration of love that permeates every cell of your body.
Feel how love has brought your body into being.
Observe how the love that you are has formed your intellect and makes your thoughts possible.
Feel how the love that you are informs the love you feel for others.
You might simply declare in your mind’s eye, “I am love.”
How does it that feel?
How does your body respond to that statement?
Does it start to reconfigure your brain and intellect?
“I am love.”
Does that statement alter your relationships?
Be still and know that “I am love.”
Love includes truth. “I am truth.”
Love also includes beauty. “I am beauty.”
And all of this is implied when you simply state: “I am.”
We are each eternal beings who operate simultaneously on many levels. You may be running several human lifetimes and, at the same time, be conscious on higher planes.
Ultimately, every part of the whole is the whole and is connected to every other part of the whole. But just as in an organism, some parts are closer than others. In all people there is a pull toward those souls with whom you already have a direct relationship. It is also often a delightful thing to make new soul-level relationships, but with old friends, you have a foundation and you pick up where you left off.
You live in a time of great change and turmoil. Most of you consider yourselves to be lightworkers: You want to be of service. You want to help alleviate suffering and bring higher awareness.
One of the most helpful things you can do is to gather together in groups and broadcast love, truth, and beauty. Everything is already built with love, truth, and beauty. When things reconnect directly with those qualities in their pure forms, it is like going to a chiropractor and having your back adjusted back into alignment — it allows the energies to flow properly.
When you gather with some of your soul friends who also happen to have physical bodies, along with loving friends in spirit, you can broadcast transformative vibrations into the world in ways that we, who do not have bodies, cannot.
Some of you have had a stressful time in your current body and may look forward to leaving it behind. We understand that, but know this: as a lightworker, your body is an invaluable tool.
Many want to do something tangible to help the world and make their mark. They believe that if they were just famous, or accomplished a particular task they have in mind, then their lives would have meaning. It may be that you are called to make specific kinds of contributions and you feel that call. But the simple fact that you live in a body, loving to the best of your ability, is your most significant contribution.
Some people are physically or mentally disabled. Or perhaps being older, their bodies are not as capable as they used to be. But as long as you draw breath, you can be a transmitter of the vibrations that help hold this planet together as it births itself into a new consciousness. So even if you are not doing anything, if you allow your being to partake of the highest quality of consciousness that you are able to, you are doing more for humanity than most.
And when you come together with others in this spirit, you vastly amplify the signal of love, truth, and beauty that you are broadcasting into the world. Not only are you uplifting the world but it also makes you feel very good. Some of you are healers and know that when you offer healing to others, you receive healing as well.
Perhaps you would love to live in this upliftment all the time, but you are also human and from time to time things upset or trigger you and pull you out of this good feeling. That can also be part of your service to humanity.
Let say, for example, that you read a news item and feel upset. There may be millions of people who are upset by the same thing. When you become upset, you are resonating with them. That is a great opportunity to bring healing to the planet. Rather than criticising yourself for losing your centering, you might rejoice and say to yourself, “This is an opportunity to heal not only myself but to plug in to this whole reaction, and shift it a little.” In the middle of having this angry or fearful reaction, you can choose to be still and know that “I am love, truth and beauty,” and bring higher consciousness into that pattern.
Some of you are taking a fast from the news, and that may be a wise choice as you strengthen your connection with internal truth. But then if you partake again, it is useful to find stillness even as you may observe yourself reacting. Remind yourself that you are an eternal being, and ask yourself, “What is the truth here? What does love have to say about this?” There is something beautiful in human beings struggling to grow, even with all the insanity. In remembering that “I am love,” you increase your compassion for the world and, most especially, for yourself. When you truly love yourself, you are loving the world, because you are part of the world. If you exclude any part of the world from your love, that probably suggests that there is a part of yourself that you exclude from your love.
You may find it helpful to get in touch with your inner Donald Trump, anything in you that is like him, and love that part of yourself. See it as something crying out to be healed. We view Donald Trump as a very unhappy soul crying out to be healed. He brings to focus something that is in many people crying out to be healed. Mind you, being in a state of compassion does not mean that you condone someone’s actions or allow him to continue acting out.
Let’s say that you are raising a child going through the “terrible twos.” There is a way that you can be in compassion and still curb destructive behavior. Taking an adversarial approach does not work well — it tends to feed the tantrum — whereas if you approach the child with calm, stability, and wisdom, you create a space for him or her to come into alignment with you. If you react to Donald Trump, for example, you are coming into alignment with him. If you say “I am love” in your relationship with the world, you create a space for the world to come into alignment with you.
Love is more powerful than fear. To prove this, make the statement “I am love” and see what happens. That is where your power is. And from that stand, you will know what your right role is in the larger scheme of things. You may be called to political activism, you may be called to meditate for world peace, or both, or neither. But from that position, you will help guide humanity toward more positive outcomes.
The Tao creates planets such as Earth as an avenue for self-expression. The Tao naturally wants to discover more about itself because it is fun and interesting to do so. You are already perfect and beautiful, but you would not enjoy staying at the same level of perfection and beauty for all of eternity. By meeting challenges in your lives, you gain capacity, and the scope of your perfection expands. You do not seek growth to become better — you are already perfect. You seek growth to expand, create, and have beautiful experiences. Every human being is growing because every human being is having experiences. Some are growing quickly and some, slowly. It is not necessarily better to grow quickly. All experiences are useful in the final analysis. However, on the spiritual path you gain tools that can allow you to grow more joyfully with less pain and suffering. When people are less conscious, they tend to mostly grow through the “school of hard knocks.” They wander in the dark into a wall, break their toe, turn around and walk into the opposite wall, smash their nose, and so forth. As you become more conscious, you start to notice the walls and avoid them, learning to grow more through joy.
If you have a traumatic experience, and you all have, and you undertake to heal from it and release the trauma, you will have intensive growth. But you can also grow a great deal by consciously deciding to contribute your gifts and discovering how to do that. You can grow by being in a loving relationship and figuring out how to love with more skill and appreciation. You can grow an enormous amount through any creative activity.
Let’s say that you are writing a song. Writing a song is a series of a great number of choices. You choose each word and note. If you are a skillful songwriter, you have a large palette to choose from and some mastery of technique. You write a first draft and it has some good things in it. If you settle for the first draft, you will have grown, but maybe you live with it for a while and you become more conscious of your creation. You have grown in awareness for having created it to this level, and you begin to feel that there are certain things that could be better. So you write a second draft. That looks pretty good until you live with that for a while and sense a problem; finally, you are able to identify it, and then get a great idea that solves it. And so on until you decide that it is done because the song flows without any hitches for you.
You have grown because you have made a number of choices, engaged with the result of those choices, and then made better choices. By doing so you created something beautiful and your skill at making choices has grown. This is one example of growing through joy.
Most people grow through a combination of joy and pain. You will probably stub your toe and smash your nose on walls from time to time. Many people insist on growing through pain because they do not realize they could grow in another way. They get stuck and then create some drama to try to break out of their rut; even if it is a bad experience, at least they feel that they are in motion again. But if you are an awakening person, you probably do not become stuck or bored, because you are aware that you are making choices and are learning how to make them more skillfully. As you do that, you have more joy, and that makes you want to make still more skillful choices. It truly is possible to be joyful, maybe not all the time but much of the time, as you gain practice in growing through joy.
What is going on in the world is certainly important. But what is most important to you always is to answer the question, “What I am going to do about it? What are my choices?” Your choices are where your power lies. You cannot make anyone else choices for them. But when you make the choices that are available to you, you discover that you actually have a lot of power.
It is like when you are writing that song: you apply yourself to the process. Maybe you could not figure out how to get a lyric to rhyme or have a graceful chord progression, but you live with it. You live with your imperfect creation, applying to it your innate power as a creator, as an eternal being, and you solve the problem — you find the right lyric or the most graceful chord. This is how you know your power.
Humanity is dealing with a lot of very difficult problems, and often people do the same things over and over again, hoping for a different result. Problems are your growth opportunities. They call upon all of your creative gifts. If you step back from problems and view them with an artist’s eyes, fresh new solutions will begin to occur to you.
Each of you has some difficult people in your life, or maybe you are a difficult person in other people’s lives, or both. Probably both. No doubt you prefer your easy friends, but the difficult ones may also be a blessing to you if you challenge yourself to handle those minefields with more skill. You may have some friends to whom you can say anything and things are easy. But the ones who are likely to erupt at your less-than-ideal word choices or actions can teach you to choose your words or act with greater sensitivity, to be better attuned to other people. You may simply choose not to have certain people in your life, and that is also a valid choice — your greatest growth may be in letting go of certain people.
But some people may be hard to let go of, especially if they are related to you. If you see yourself as a sort of artist-in-residence, looking for the best choice of words and actions in all your relationships, you will be in a position of power in them rather than focusing on what others are doing to you.
You can bring the same perspective in your relationship with the political landscape. Instead of reacting to what others are doing, look at how you can bring your personal power to bear. “How can I be part of the solution?”
You may not be particularly political — you may not be called in that direction. But when you live directly from love, truth, and beauty to the best of your ability, you are truly a lightworker.
MEDITATION: Feel your body. Now feel the Earth as your body.
Know yourself as a source of healing for both your personal body and your whole Earth body.
Leonard Heffels says
Dear Shepherd,
This is truly a very inspiring message in every way, full of love, truth and beauty. Thank you for bringing it into being!
Its characteristic style reminds me of Seth (Jane Roberts) more than of “Die Quelle” (Varda, Germany). It’s not just a different language. It seems like a different emphasis.
Best wishes
Leonard, Munich, Germany
Toni Sorensen says
Dear Shepherd,
Thank you for this article and all the work you have given the world. I so appreciate the clarity you offer and the point you continue to make that we are each powerful beings here to create and have experiences and that learning through joy is an option.
Roxanne says
I have only recently discovered the Michael Teachings, which were mentioned in a book I recently read. That led me to your book and website, and I’m so grateful. The messages here are exactly what I needed in this moment. They resonate deeply and are extremely meaningful for me.
Thank you.
Monia says
Dear Shepherd,
a really powerful message…although in lonely moments it sometimes is not so easy to say: “I am love” and be connected deeply. For me, it is most time more about “Iam IN Love”, so it is more compatible to a Christian’s background 😉 and individual contexts. Maybe next step is waiting.
The words about growing through Joy have much potential to think and talk about.
Thanks to you and Michael.