Though it has been a few days since our session, I still think of little else. You have a wonderful gift that I am grateful and honored to have shared.
Thank you for being such a kind and gracious guide on my first journey into my being. You and Michael have planted a seed that no foul weather can uproot or destroy. I know that the path to growth will not be easy, but from now on I will realize that the “shit” I go through is really fertilizer for growing a wiser, more loving me.
The reading was a blockbuster (literally) and everyone I’ve shared it with has been very much impressed.
I just wanted to pen a note to say what a pleasure it was to meet you and how much I appreciated your loving assiduousness and friendly hospitality. The results of the session are invaluable to me: a help, a challenge, an encouragement, and a swift kick in the right direction. Thanks again.
I feel better than I have in quite a while since our phone session, very energetic, relaxed, and “smoothed out.” During the session itself, I could feel the energy “zapping” me. I saw various colors in front of my closed eyes, and experienced glimpses of my essence. The feeling was pure bliss!
The Michael teachings have been of the greatest importance to me. Having the overview of the whole universe and of my personality specifically has been so liberating. I’ve spent most of my life trying to make myself conform to other people’s ideals (and feeling extremely strange for not accomplishing it). The teachings have helped me understand and be more accepting of myself and everyone else. I’ve seen this same thing happen to virtually everyone who has gotten his Michael Reading chart from you and has read about the teachings. I love it. I thank you eternally for your work.
Michael and you always make things so clear and make my way clear before me.
It was immensely important for my life that I have met you. Ever since you helped me learn to channel, I’ve known that I’m on my path. I know I will be able to do whatever I came to do this time. And, of course, what I have learned from Michael! Through them I was able to shift a lot of fears and learned how important energies are. Earlier in my life I would have freaked out about my present situation; now, there is a lightness and a lot of trust in me. I know it’s a lesson that I will solve.… I’m blessed.
This past year has been an utterly amazing time of growth for me, and the Michael work has played a major part in that.
The Michael Readings you channeled on my children were very informative and eye-opening for me. They shed light on their behaviors that helped me immensely. Thanks so much, Shepherd. I feel that you’re performing a really invaluable service for people.
Michael and you were so helpful and on target, as always. The reading has helped me get unstuck. Thank you!
My love and thanks go out to you and Michael for the last batch of charts you did for me. How I wish I had had the charts of my parents for the last forty years. I visited them a couple of weeks ago, and by keeping their overleaves, etc., in mind, our visit was totally free of a long list of habitual conflicts that have eroded our relationships for many years.
I read Messages from Michael ten years ago and viewed the information as an excellent tool. However, I lost interest after a while due to being unable to identify the role and overleaves of myself and others with any certainty. When I heard about you and had my Michael chart channeled, self-understanding began to dawn: I’m not strange or unmotivated. I am simply a typical sixth-level old scholar doing what sixth-level old scholars do! As I shared my new-found enthusiasm with others, they too became interested in the Michael material and called you. Pretty soon, we were all comparing notes, so starting a Michael discussion group seems exactly the thing to do!
I am so glad a teacher like this is available to me. I honestly never expected it in this lifetime. I feel infinitely challenged and no longer bereft that my parents were not quite up to guiding me in what I would like to accomplish. Experience has gotten much more interesting. I feel like a child who has just discovered the world outside.
I had been passing through, or perhaps more precisely, had been run down by, my fourth internal (midlife) monad, when Michael came into my life. They brought profound understandings about who I am and my direction. So drastically and dramatically has all changed for the better, I hardly recognize this experience as my own.
I was really impressed by my session with you. I’ve been very up for the past two days. My house is calm and everything with my friend is smoother than before, like about ten bricks were removed from both of us. I think I’m ready to start trying a little more trust in my life. I had about fifteen questions, but as it turns out, everything I really wanted to know and then some was answered. The whole thing was rather amazing and I still feel like things are shifting around for the better.
Discovering the Michael teachings was a turning point in my life. They gave me a framework on which everything I knew fit neatly into place. I’m constantly learning more and, as of yet, it still holds it all together beautifully.
Michael and I are old friends — of that I am sure. Meeting up with them again a year ago ended a long search that covered much ground on this planet. Their wise and loving words have been like a beacon splashing lights and colors on all the dark spots I carried around — spaces for missing pieces. Now they are filling in nicely and I am growing, exponentially at times! Probably the single, most exciting lesson I have relearned is that there is no good or bad, just choice. After years and years of uncertain, fear-ridden decisions, and tons of guilt dressed in nun’s habits, I feel such a relief. There is no hell, purgatory, or limbo! Life can actually be a joy. It is permitted!
I find the sessions to be physically vitalizing, intellectually stimulating, and full of love and compassion. Sitting in front and looking directly at the channel gives me a feel for causal-plane energy, and what my everyday life could be like if I maintained a clear vibration.
Michael doesn’t solve my problems, but I don’t feel stupid or wrong for having them. In their group sessions, they treat everyone’s questions with respect. No matter how strange an idea or question may seem, Michael makes it sound normal. They don’t put up with any nonsense, but the manner in which they do this is so gentle that no one feels chastised. They don’t get defensive, and consequently, no one else does either. Just to witness this quality of communication is valuable to me.
I’ve learned so much from the books, and I keep learning more and more from the gatherings. The energy at them is intense, and I feel it for days afterward. There’s a new happiness in my life. I’m more tolerant because I understand myself and other people a lot better. I hope to learn and love more! The whole Michael experience is enlightening, and fun, too.
At my first group session, Michael’s response to a question of mine was gentle and penetratingly personal. More importantly, there was an energy of communion. The group creates an environment where one can share and exchange ideas without judgment, but with support for the journey of each person. Learning that artisans can experience difficulty adapting to the physical plane gave me the perspective to express more compassion toward myself while working to become more grounded.
I have always found the teachings of any of the unseen guides to have a profound influence on my life. Whenever I take the time to realize that such incredible beings exist, I feel like a teenager with one huge crush on the high school football star. The very thought of having the opportunity to physically participate with one of them brings tears of joy to my eyes.
I’m still drawing so much usable information and enrichment from your last two sessions. I’ve lost twelve pounds and am still at it, and I’ve been able to sustain an overall feeling of joy and peace with myself for several months now, much of which I can attribute directly to the Michael work.
When Michael answered my question at the “A Channeling with Michael,” it was all I could do to keep from melting through the floor because the heat coming from Shepherd was intense, and the energy unreal. The lady sitting next to me noticed it, too, without me mentioning it first.
I want to thank you for all the good work you do. “A Channeling with Michael” was a truly beautiful evening and a testimony to your abilities as a channel. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful community.