Clear, concise, comprehensive, Growing Through Joy is an exceptional “road map” to well-being. For students of the Michael Teachings this work confirms, affirms and refines what we have learned and are now learning. It is a familiar “voice” continuing to provide conscious and subconscious guidance. As with any road map, one still creates one’s own experience of the trip. For students still exploring the plethora of self-help guidance teachers and writers, this work is an excellent introduction to the quality and wisdom of the Michael experience, one that allows, at low risk and expense, a chance to feel if the “fit” is right for one’s own path. Be aware of the temptation to read this work quickly and superficially. As there is only one true source of wisdom, much of what will be found here will perhaps seem familiar and maybe even “obvious” when compared with others. A more accurate assessment of the authenticity, in my view, is evoked with the gradual reading over an extended period of time.
— Richard2013, Amazon
This book really gets down to the essentials — what life is about.
— M.S., Muskegan Michigan
With the wisdom and loving compassion characteristic of his work, Shepherd Hoodwin brings Michael through with clarity and power. Growing Through Joy is a wonderful addition to any spiritual library for its practical instruction on experiencing joy even when enduring the inevitable pain of life, and methods for avoiding the suffering and self-judgment that contracts us and compounds the pain. Like all of his books, it is rich and dense with information that stimulates our own experience of inner truth. Using the tools provided herein is an excellent way to achieve more spiritual presence and balance through every challenge of life. And, as usual, the teachings of the Michael entity resonate with love, compassion, humor, patience, and a call to presence as who we really are. Shepherd expresses this consistently and powerfully through all his channeled works, and this latest offering is no exception.
— Susannah Redelfs, Santa Rosa, California
I loved this book! I was delighted to read this profound assortment of channeled material about joy. The Michael entity comes out sounding clear and strong once again. A wonderful transformational tool! Growing Through Joy is about the art of living. As we find it within ourselves the ability to change our perspective and to open ourselves to become more in tune with the universal rhythm, we discover that joy is not a daily struggle but a recurrent gift and our natural state. It is by making certain choices on many levels that we can allow joy to come into our lives. This book is ideal when it comes to instructing us both on the practical, daily choices we can make to become more joyful, and also itself is a transformational tool, for as you read you connect with it’s energy and allow it to bring forth the essential joy that is within you already. Joy to the world!
— Carlos Rego, Davie, Florida