Feel your connection with earth. Notice that the very cells of your body are earth. We are not merely on the earth but we are the earth. Notice the movement of energy among all the aspects of the earth that we are. Enjoy the flow of vitality shared by all the cells of your body. Savor the aliveness that comes from Source and returns to it.
Feel how all the systems of the earth exchange vitality with one another, including your glorious body. Notice that your body is merged with the bodies of other people, especially those in your life; all it takes is a slight shift in focus. Be aware of your larger body, which finally has no end. Expand your focus to specifically include one more person, then two, then several, until you experience being the larger circle of your life.
This circle is a microcosm of the whole earth, each system effortlessly sharing its vitality with the whole. Everything is light. Solidity is a convenience; it is solid light. Notice the way that what is solid is contiguous with what has a slightly faster vibration and therefore does not appear solid to our senses. Feel into this adjacent vibration that in turn flows beautifully into a still higher vibration. Enjoy the magnificent energies of what is unseen to the eye yet still physical. Also expand your focus to enjoy what is slightly slower than the solid and therefore is not normally seen, either, the realm of the spirits of nature, for example. Open your focus wider until you experience how the slowest earth vibrations merge into the Source, the Tao. There is no separation, only different foci.
Increase your focus above to include the astral plane. Say hello to our beloved guides, teachers, and other friends in spirit who are always present. What fun it is to play with these loved ones!
A little higher still and we greet our causal plane teacher, Michael, and other teachers we may not have named. We are always one with them. Allow their presence to merge in consciousness with what we know ourselves to be.
It is delightful to notice the akashic plane, which interpenetrates all.
Blend into the brilliant overarching vision of the mental plane, which knows, truly, the perfect design of all being.
Feel the gorgeous, inspirational quality of the messianic plane, how it shares in our laughter and revels in it. Feel how those who dwell there are blessed by our beauty and love. They are not just here to help us but we are here to help them.
Revel into the pure vital energy of the buddhaic plane. As we move through it, once again we connect with the Tao. There is no separation anywhere in all of being. Feel Source pulsing through every level of self. How grand is creation that allows us to better know who we are.
Choose one area of your life that feels less integrated than you might like it to be and simply bring this knowing into that place. If you would like to feel greater unity in your body, simply be aware of unity while being aware of your body. If there is a relationship that is less unified than you would like it to be, be aware of that relationship and this unity. Allow your heart to manifest this unity to help integrate all the parts of yourself so that you better know your personal wholeness. If there is a part of you that especially needs your love, be aware of it now. Notice that you are releasing all resistance to what is. Feel deeper relaxation occurring wherever you would like that.
Bring to mind one person who could benefit from this energy and simply bring him or her to mind. Gradually expand your focus from that one person to all the people that person is connected with until it includes all people.
Know the holiness of wholeness. Experience that every person is beautiful even if their current manifestation is not yet aware of what is. Notice that in this awareness, all judgmentalness dissolves. There is only what is.
Feel all anxiety releasing. Bring to mind any other feeling that you would like to release into knowledge of wholeness. Perhaps you carry some sadness from the past; bring it into now. Perhaps you store some anger; allow that anger to play happily in this field until it becomes what it truly wants to become — pure energy. If there is any disease state in your body, kiss it with this ease. If there is any problem humanity faces that you are concerned about, hold it in this space. Feel political parties opening to harmony. Experience the environment healing. Know that consciousness is the most powerful force in the affairs of humanity. Everything, ultimately, is consciousness.
Trust that your dwelling in truth, beauty, and love is the greatest gift you can give. Take a moment. Check in with yourself. If there’s any other work or play that you would like this unity to achieve, let it happen in silence.
Opening Ceremony of the Sevenoaks Michael Gathering
April 15, 2015
Madison, Virginia
Transcribed by Bobbie Cooper