Sunday, Feb 5, 2017
From various channels and other wisdom teachers:
- This chapter is temporary and likely to be short-lived.
- The dark emotions now arising have been here all along. They are coming up to be seen clearly and healed.
- We are in transition to a new age of higher awareness in which everyone wins. This is the last gasp of an age of selfishness and short-sightedness, not the beginning of one.
- Negative things can be used for positive purposes. Trump may be “the wrong president at the right time,” catalyzing humanity to wake up.
- This is spurring progressives and the press to develop more backbone and not weaken when attacked.
- This is reducing apathy, promoting activism, and increasing consciousness.
- The physical plane is, in part, a learning game. Seek to balance full engagement with clear observation, as if studying a chessboard and determining the best move.
- This is a very interesting, growthful time to be alive.
- This is an unprecedented opportunity to consciously observe and experience the results of fear-based versus love-based actions.
- Focus on creating what you want rather than fighting what you don’t.
- This is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Don’t burn out, get discouraged, give up, check out, or go to sleep. Keep doing the right thing and speaking up for what is right.
- Unconditional love, including for Donald Trump, raises the vibration and power of activism. We can speak truth with love.
- About a quarter of Trump supporters are open to reevaluating their positions when they see what results, and are open to the influence of unconditional love. Don’t worry about the rest.
- We are lightworkers and teachers. The world needs us to shine light like never before.
- In the long run, love always wins.
From George Lakoff (UC professor of linguistics and cognitive science):
- Don’t use his name.
- Focus on his policies, not his orangeness and mental state.
- Don’t use helpless/hopeless talk.
- Be careful not to spread fake news. Check it.
- Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow.
LL says
Wow, this is fantastic information!!! Thank you. Really resonated with me.
Rita Edwards says
There’s not one thing written here that I would disagree with. Love always wins….
Kenneth price says
Great key point Shepherd. If it were not for Donald Trump, I don’t believe our nation (world perhaps) would discover the ultimate futility of politics and boundaries and borders; Since we have been taught duality, our only fear is anarchy; but what if something else were to surprise us all instead? Nobody really knows. Uncharted waters no doubt! So perhaps he was chosen as the new messiah to demonstrate that capitalism cannot sustain by pushing us over the edge. Or perhaps, if we go over the edge, we will discover that truth lives in the freefall that we fear the most. Important points to ponder. Our protesting will burn us like the phoenix, who, then rose from its own ashes until we discover that the only solution is to live in peaceful demonstration. Prophets have already told us, and our generation now has the privildge to live their visions. Humans have some strange cerebral wiring that has generated this belief in “7 billion different truths” but we are now transition to “7 billion different perspectives” of just “one truth” so now we have returned to the mystery where all creation lives. Its not rocket science but our world worshops complexity. Forest Gump was brilliant because he was stupid. His heart told him what to do instead. Loving Donald Trump is the only solution because he is only our own miscreation anyway.
Andrew Ball says
As stated, the invitation is to focus on creating what you want rather than fighting what you don’t. Rather than conventional activism, which is really resisting the issues at their level, we have the power of Word, the energy of the Tao in action, to transform at a higher level. Know Trump as of Source. Don’t deny his divinity or his right to be. Witness him as holy and as one with all, and thus invite him through co-resonance with high vibration, through field, to begin to awaken. Nothing actually need be said. Have faith in this Devine process. Do this for all that you perceive, to lift a world and be of true cardinal service. Let’s utilise the enormity of the true power at our disposal as light workers and awakening ones, to move the species away from its prior choice to learn through separation and fear. x